from Hugh writing at gapingvoid:
24. You think A-Listers are arrogant bastards? You should meet the
25. There is no A-List. If you think there is, you've missed the whole
26. There is an A-List. Fuck with us and we'll have you destroyed like stray
27. The best way to raise you profile in the blogosphere [besides writing
good stuff] is to attend the various conferences; the more, the merrier. I am
[at least] fifty times more likely to link to you if I've already met you in
real life. The other good way is to attend the geek dinners.
28. I wish I were better at linking to other people. The list of people I
should have linked to, but haven't, would fill a phone book.
29. Sixty million blogs. Sixty million business models.
30. Yes, the blogosphere is a great place to get laid. No, I'm not telling
you how I found this out.
31. If you ever forget your manners, you will pay, and quickly.
32. You are not carving in stone. You die, the blog dies.
33. It's tempting to think that people read your blog. Sadly, they don't.
They skim them. So always make your content skim-friendly. Write it with
"skimmabilty" baked-in.
Read the full posting to obtain the full import of his blogging.
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