Year in Review
Yes, it has been a year since I started this blog. 257 posts later, 365 days later, a year older, wiser, ready for a new day, a new year. I had just about decided to change the focus here. This was attracting less traffic than my other writing. Then GEL2006 comes along, a chance to reflect, and coincidently, a boost in traffic (thanks, Mark!) I will proceed with my new blog idea (announcement forthcoming) but instead of rolling this one aside, I will keep this one going. I think they can co-exist without too much trouble. Once the announcement comes out, you'll be able to weigh in with a vote one way or the other. Apologies for being so cryptic, all will explained soon. In the meantime, I need to finish my GEL 2006 summary. In the meantime, here are some key posts from the archives: Powered By Qumana |