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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

GEL 2006 - Ji Lee

Ji Lee is the creator of The Bubble Project . He told the story of how it came to be. Frustration with corporate marketing lead him to leave and go out on his own. He made the bubbles. Posted them. Returned to take pictures of what was written in them. Now the web site has a template to down load the bubble. He has a blog with a bubble a day using a picture from the news, visitors can add a new caption or provide the inside scope on what the person is really saying.
What does the bubble really do ?
It changes the corporate monologue into a public dialog. The mono part being the corporate campaign in its words on its terms to promote something. The bubbles allow for the mono message to become a dialog. Someone fills in the blanks. Someone else comes along and observes the message (recognizes probably what the original was meant to be) and then with the bubble and new twist has an opportunity to experience the message in a new way. And talk about it. The viral aspect of this is interesting.
He cautions that defacing the advertisements in public is against the law. So if you do it, don't get caught.
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