Recall the accident on the Franklin commuter rail line that occurred on Monday . I happened to be working from home Tuesday and at another site on Wednesday, so when I sat down on the train today I was a little surprised to see the "standard" notification from MBCR. It took them two days to put this together. It looks like it could have been done in minutes. And yet it is missing two things I think a good customer service oriented organization would have. For example, it does acknowledge the incident and says: "thank you for your patience and cooperation while we worked to meet your needs and to restart service for the evening." It also thanks the emergency responders and other organizations that helped during this time. Curiously, it then says: "After the disruption to service, staff worked to remove the affected equipment from the scene, perform track repairs and replaced damaged signal equipment." "Staff" That's all - "staff" Not, "our staff" Not, "your dedicated staff" Not, "any of the fill in the blank descriptive adjectives staff" Just "staff". And at least according to the published report ( in the Boston Globe) and then the comments from commuters on the train ( found on the Boston Globe web site ), the conductors and train engineer were remarkable in preventing more of an incident than it turned out to be. Oh, the train car itself was totaled but there were only 18 people with minor injuries. One would think there might have been something said to these fine folks for their efforts in this incident. But no. Just the reference to the "staff" who cleaned up afterwards. What do you think about this? I think the MBTA missed a golden opportunity. |