A few books have recently been written on this topic, but they all fail to confront one central paradox. While they extol the power of communities, they were each written by only one person.
We're putting this paradox to the test by inviting hundreds of thousands of authors to contribute to this "network book" using today's technologies.
The book will be published by Pearson, and each contributor will be listed as an author of the book. All authors will will receive an equal vote on the distribution of book royalties to charity.
We're seeking from our authors real examples of companies who are trying successfully, or unsuccessfully to harness the power of "community." And we're looking to develop and share insights about why these approaches work or don't work; and what companies have to do to make them work better.
I think I'll keep an eye on this one. I did go and look at the registration page but they require more information than I would like to provide. For example, I would participate in this as an individual person and not as a representative of my company and yet company name is required.