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Friday, June 30, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Do you know who is celebrating their birthday today?
Someone who preaches about simplicity.
Someone who writes about the Nine Fruits of Leadership.
Someone who thinks England will make it to the finals of the World Cup.
Someone who fulfulled a life long dream to see the Eagles in concert.
Someone with whom it is an honor to call a friend!
Happy Birthday, Trevor!
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Tom Asacker on Attention

Tom Asacker writes:

... If you want people to pay attention to your communication, you must tune into their frequency. Their current situation. Their anxieties, desires and fears. Establish an emotional bond based on your audience's feeling of finally having been understood by someone. Because if people feel that you are genuinely interested in them, they’ll be much more likely to open up and interact with you, and give you the information that you need.

Read Tom's full post here!

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Friday, June 23, 2006

Go Rocketboom!

Amanda has a good deal going... worth spending a few minutes a day to view and enjoy!
If you have not seen or heard of Rocketboom... check it out!
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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Coincidence or Destiny??

A year ago, I commented and posted on one of the proposals that Mike Sander's put forward in his draft of principles for a Longtailer's Manifesto.
It so happens that this morning on the train ride to work, I completed the advanced reading copy of The Long Tail by Chris Anderson that I obtained through 800-CEO-READ and for which I will be writing a review soon.
Coincidence or Destiny??
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Benevolent Assassination

Almost forgot to write about this finding... time has just been flying by... but there still is time, especially if you are going to be in or around New York City on September 15-17, 2006 when the Come Out and Play Festival will be held.
One of the several games available to be played there will be Cruel 2 B Kind.
....the game of benevolent assassination.

Your mission: Stalk your enemies through Central Park* and kill them with kindness.

At the beginning of the game, you and a partner-in-crime are assigned a unique, secret weapon. To most, it will seem like a random act of kindness. But to a secret pair of targets, your seemingly benevolent gesture is a deadly maneuver that will bring them to their knees.
Read more about the game here.
Read more about the Festival here.
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

iPod Journey

Did you see the news article about the iPod manufacturing plant in China? This is sure to generate some additional news. The wage rates and conditions are not up to par with American norms but they seem to be better than that found in the agricultural areas of China, so there may be an "improvement".
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Monday, June 19, 2006

There goes the stock market listings

The Boston Globe is joining a growing list of major newspapers who are stopping the print of the stock market and mutual fund listings this week. They will post the results on the web site during the week and publish them on Sunday. This helps to reduce the cost of producing the paper that is being read by less and less people.
Another step closer to the grave!
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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Trojan Moo

Trojan Moo
Originally uploaded by

Helen of Troy should not fear this Trojan Moo especially since it is well placed for vistors and commuters to Boston to view on a daily basis.

The Cow Parade has arrived in Boston.

The cows will be on parade until September 5th and then auctioned off for charity during October.

If you get a chance to visit Boston during this time, be sure to find a cow!

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

100 Bloggers - Cool Template

Check out the rotating header at 100 Bloggers.
Nice work! This is a group I am proud to be part of.
Click on over and check it out!
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The Cupcake Man

Hugh has talked about limiting production to create demand with The Global Microbrand.

Here is a local guy doing it with t-shirts.

Unique and catchy designs, runs only 100 of each.

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Monday, June 12, 2006

Synergy or not? People or Process?

Trevor has started the discussion over at the blog Synergy.
I have tossed in a few of my usual 2 cents worth: here, and here.
What can you add to make it a conversation?
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What a difference

What a difference? As reported previously, I spent some time watching the World Cup games this weekend. The passion of the player for the most part was evident. This is PRIME Time. There is no bigger stage for soccer (or football as the rest of the world refers to it).
Caught the NE Revolution to close out the Sunday games and while they started slow (again). They managed to come out and play well during the second half, eventually striking twice in extra time to secure a tie on the road.
Contrast this to the US National team today. Watching via the tape, (yes, I do work for a living), I was disappointed with their performance. No passion. No connections. Except for a few moments here and there, thoroughly out played.
How long were they preparing for this?
one of three important group games?
They certainly did not look ready.
Let's hope between now and Saturday when someone takes the field against Italy that the team that shows up wearing the US uniform shows some interest in playing the game.
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Sunday, June 11, 2006

Way to go Revs!

The New England Revolution got the short end of a couple of bad calls in the game against Chicago Fire but hung in there to strike twice in extra time to tie the Fire 3-3.

The Revs should have won but the point for the tie is better than the loss.

Great teamwork made this one happen.

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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Habits of the successful blogger

Before we get into the habits: What is a problogger? One who does it for money? If that is the case, as I don't do this for money I guess I am not a problogger. Yet, I would consider myself more of a professional in approach than an amateur.
I like the listing. While he does provide 10 habits, he also acknowledges that the listing could go on.
Check it out and if you would add something, leave a comment on his posting.
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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

How to read this page

Welcome, I have been meaning to do this for some time, so first of all, thank you for stopping by.

You'll note that the center column is where this blogs posts appear in chronological order, most recent on the top, scrolling down to the last on this page, then it rolls over into the archives which are collected by month in the right column.

Yes, that is a black and white picture of moi. Take last year by my wife while we were enjoying dinner at a Bubba Gump restaurant in Charleston, South Carolina. It was the best I could do for a picture at the time, but stay tuned the best is yet to come!

The distractions scrolling on your left are three rotational headlines from my other blogs:
The two static buttons are also where I blog or blog about. Team Synergy is a group blog looking to explore the "Power of We". Blogidarity is our group fund raising effort. We "sponsor" a fund raising organization periodically and attempt through our blogging efforts to raise awareness of the organization and hopefully to allow them to raise some money. This is where I put my money where my mouth is! I also blog at 100Bloggers but I have not put a button together yet.

Before we go below the page line, on the right, the second box contains the subscription options. Hopefully, it will enable you to pick you choice. If you use Bloglines (as I do) there is a button. If you use another RSS reader, then the XML button should work for you. If you prefer subscription via email, then enter your email into the Feedblitz button and you should be on your way. If you have a Technorati account, you can add this blog to your favorites with the button.

On the left side, just under the headlines, is the CoComment section. One of my favorite finds for 2006. I could never always remember where I visited (and I do usually visit quite a few blogs during the course of a week) and where I left a comment. This is like the bread crumb tracker that Hansel and Gretel needed! I can go back to where I left a comment and find out if anyone added to it. Overtime, as more people use CoComment, their comments will appear automatically here, so I won't have to go too far to look. Yes, I am lazy like that.

Back over to the right side. Below the subscription options, you'll find the Franklin, MA weather snapshot. Then the listing of previous posts followed by My Important Links. These provide some additional insights into who writes here and why that have been pulled aside to make it easier to find.

Then the all important for often neglected archives. My archives happen to go back to May 2005. I have posted fairly regularly since then. One of the benefits of the scrolling headlines on the top left corner, you can see where I have posted most recently so if I have not been writing here, I may have been busy elsewhere.

Underneath the archives, last but not least on the page is the blogroll or listing of the top sites I would recommend for others to visit. I try to keep my listing current and worthwhile. There are changes from time to time. Burningbird has just recently stopped blogging so I need to remove that listing. I have visited other blogs and when I tried to follow links on their blogroll, many of them are dead. That irks me so I don't like it to happen here.

Oh and the template is courtesy of Thur Broders. I used his standard and made modifications to develop the color schemes for each of my personal blogs. He gets the credit. He knows way more html coding than I do.

Well, I hope this helps you to navigate around the page. Do not hesitate to click on a link. It will usually take you some place good. I try to check all my links. If you do find a broken one, please let me know. I do not like for folks to have a bad experience, especially since I write about creating good experiences!

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PS - Yes, I dated the posting in advance to keep it on top for awhile and let folks catch it as they came by. About a week or so should do, then I'll move it to the Important Links section

PSS - Yes, for those who have come here from Steve's 2 Cents, this was originally posted there.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I imagine the game

Great quote from Ronaldinho on his role with the Brazlian national team:
"When I train," he says, "one of the things I concentrate on is creating a mental picture of how best to deliver that ball to a teammate, preferably leaving him alone in front of the rival goalkeeper. So what I do, always before a game — always, every night and every day — is try and think up things, imagine plays, which no one else will have thought of, and to do so always bearing in mind the particular strengths of each teammate to whom I am passing the ball. When I construct those plays in my mind, I take into account whether one teammate likes to receive the ball at his feet or ahead of him, if he's good with his head and how he prefers to head the ball, if he's stronger on his right or his left foot. That's my job. That is what I do. I imagine the game."
Tom works magic with this quote and a couple of pictures in his post that I think you should read.
The World Cup begins this week. This will be a special time for soccer/football (soccer in the US and football to the rest of the world).
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06/06/06 - Part 4

Continuing the trail, the less traveled path, catching your attention is one thing.

Holding it for some time, keeping it interested, getting it involved takes more.

How much more is what I am still looking to find.

Seth provides ideas. So does Howard.

I explain how to navigate this site in the hope that this will help.

Come and follow me.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Dogwood blooming

gradweek_60530 018
Originally uploaded by shersteve.

The dogwood is blooming. The dogwood flowers are changing from greenish to white. This particular angle seems to make the yard a green wonderland. Well, it is green but the angle is decieving.

Look around where you are.
Move around a bit.
Check out your different viewpoints.

Do some views make the place you are in look more wonderful than others?

Was it hard to change to this view?