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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Anger Management

I surprised myself this evening.
For the first time in a long while, I lost my temper all so briefly with a phone call.

Well, it was the third phone call during the night.
From the same fund raising organization.

I contribute once per year and have been fortunate to increase my contribution a little bit over the years. They should have the records. They should make the records available to the phone people. The phone people should also update their contact management system with the record of each call. The second and third person should have known what I had already told the first one.

I feel sorry for the third caller.
She was probably in the wrong place at the wrong time.
It was not her fault. It was the organization's fault.

If they don't have a contact management system, they should.

If they don't make the records available to the callers, they should.

If they don't call again, they might get my normal contribution this year.