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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Exploring longevity

Via the November issue of Rake Magazine, I read about Dan Buettner's next exploration and realized that the National Geographic issue (whose cover caught my eye and was in my reading pile) were the same stories.

I highly recommend

reading the Rake Magazine article
reading the National Geographic piece
especially the Sights and Sounds overview
visting Dan's Blue Zones website

An except from the National Geographic will complete this teaser:

What if I said you could add up to ten years to your life? A long healthy life is no accident. It begins with good genes, but it also depends on good habits. If you adopt the right lifestyle, experts say, chances are you may live up to a decade longer. So what's the formula for success? In recent years researchers have fanned out across the globe to find the secrets to long life. Funded in part by the U.S. National Institute on Aging, scientists have focused on several regions where people live significantly longer. In Sardinia, Italy, one team of demographers found a hot spot of longevity in mountain villages where men reach age 100 at an amazing rate. On the islands of Okinawa, Japan, another team examined a group that is among the longest lived on Earth. And in Loma Linda, California, researchers studied a group of Seventh-day Adventists who rank among America's longevity all-stars. Residents of these three places produce a high rate of centenarians, suffer a fraction of the diseases that commonly kill people in other parts of the developed world, and enjoy more healthy years of life. In sum, they offer three sets of "best practices" to emulate. The rest is up to you.

Are you up for exploring the blue zones?

I am.
The exploration starts October 31st.
If this doesn't convince you, then maybe future postings may.