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Sunday, May 29, 2005

GEL 2005 - Laurie Rosenwald

Laurie Rosenwald, creator of the New York Notebook, designer, and illustrator spoke at the GEL Conference.

She did not convey an imposing personae, yet her insights were amongst the best of the conference. She teaches folks to work quickly. To work without thinking. To just let it happen. Many times. Then step back and select of what you have done, what you would choose to keep.

This ties in with Malcolm Gladwell's Blink, the subtitle you may recall is "The Power of Thinking Without Thinking". If you have heard about it, or read the book, you may recall that by taking and trusting your first impression, your gut reaction, you tend to get the best results. When we stop and think, we tend to let our biases take over. We think too much and thereby tend to go wrong.

Laurie avoids this by working so quickly. You get some good stuff that way.

I wonder if Nike had this in mind when they approved the "Just Do it!" campaign?