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Friday, May 20, 2005

Who's Your Gatekeeper?

Found this at BrandShift, thanks to John Winsor.

Great story: the content fits the context.

What do you mean by that?
I'm glad you asked. I picked up this story from the presentation by Tom Asacker that I attended the other day. It drives the point of the content fitting the context. You could extend it to consistency (but we'll go there another time).

Sign by the side of a rural road. Hand written on a scrap piece of wood, leaning against an old farm stand. The sign says: "Fresh produce for sale".

Now, given the setting, the sign makes sense. If you were to wager on the freshness of the produce, it could not get any fresher than just picked farm the plant.

New scene, slight change. Same road, same sign, hand written, still leaning against the farm stand. Only now the text of the sign says: "Free flying lessons".

Is this an offer that sounds like a real deal to you? I would wager that at this point you would drive right on by thinking that no matter how free the lessons might be, you're not sure if you would be able to enjoy them.

So back to Chipper. He is real and he fits in the Patagonia environment. Could we clone his passion and apply it to a similar gatekeeper, say in a bank? Would Chipper2 attract and maintain good business for the bank?

What do you think?