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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Justice, injustice

The book review section of today's Boston Globe has an article on Infidel written by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. The wikipedia entry for her is detailed with some particulars are still being worked out.

In this article Eric Weinberger

A revealing moment in "Infidel" is when she discusses the single broadcast of "Submission." She had been invited to appear on a program whose guests normally share clips from sports or children's programs or documentaries that nostalgic Dutch viewers will identify with , but "having no shared Dutch experience to speak of," Hirsi Ali requested that they screen her film. Remarks like this help explain the attraction of the United States as the next stage of her migrant's journey. Furthermore, as a "one-issue politician" she had become disenchanted with the Dutch system, where "social democracy is grounded in the rights of groups of people, not individuals."

In addition to the books that have been reviewed and discussed during the Love Affair with Books on the Joyful Jubilant Learning blog this month, I think I should add this one.

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