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Sunday, November 26, 2006

TED Registration Shock

I had heard a lot about TED and what I good conference it is. I decided while cruising today to visit their web site to see when it was scheduled and what it would cost.

The past few TEDs have each had a broad content theme:"The Pursuit of Happiness", "Inspired by Nature", "The Future We Will Create."

TED2007 will be different. Instead of a subject-matter theme, we are simply going to put on stage FIFTY REMARKABLE PEOPLE... ...and let them share whatever it is they are passionate about.

This, of course, is what TED has always been about. Bring together extraordinary people from every area of thought, work and culture, and lo and behold, astonishing connections are made, excitement and inspiration follow.

It works this way because all knowledge is connected. Hearing experts in your field may deliver incremental improvements to what you do... But if you want the big breakthrough, the giant Aha... then you have to emerge from your trench, climb to higher ground and see the big picture.

Sounds great!

Then I got a shock when I saw the price at $4400, advertised as "the same as last year"! I have seen most conferences in the 1200 to 2000 range, I guess that is why I never got close to going to TED before.

Especially after going to PodCamp Boston which as an unconference was (1) FREE and (2) one of the better ones I have ever been to.

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