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Monday, May 08, 2006

GEL 2006 - Douglas Rushkoff

This is the first of a series of recaps of each of the presenters during the GEL 2006 Conference. The recap is from my notes taken contemporaneously during the day. Now that I am sitting down to write from these notes after the fact, my collected thoughts may be able to make more connections and or make more sense of what was absorbed during the conference.
The theme for GEL 2006 was announced by Mark Hurst as "hidden potential".
Douglas Rushkoff who had the honor of opening the full day of presentations on Friday, May 5th got right into it. Potential: the electrical term for the difference between positive and negative charges. The potential is hidden because of a disconnect. When he was called into work with a company the line used to be "we want to pick your brain". Now the line is "we want you to help us be less Sataachi and more craigslist".
The Renaissance introduced the beginnings of the disconnect by (1) recognizing the individual and (2) centralizing currencies. Competition is built into the structure of life where it was not before.
Brands differentiated products, now brands themselves are commoditized, so the product itself is coming back to the forefront. The product (or service) needs to be good.
Competition is being replaced by collaboration.
Companies that do not distinguish amongst their stockholders, their employees, and their customers; recognizing that each one should be allowed to do what they are passionate about will be successful.
If Ben & Jerry's truly wanted to do good in this economy, they would not make ice cream for an overweight and diabetic nation.
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