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Friday, November 30, 2007

Blogging changes: simplicity desired

I will stop updating this blog and continue writing on my passion for the good customer experience at Steve's 2 Cents. The full reasoning and explanation behind this change can be found here.

I thank you for your readership and conversations.

I hope you'll continue the conversation at Steve's 2 Cents.

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The passion for good customer experience hasn't ended. It just evolves and adapts to the world!

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

For US Airline Travelers

This "new" site provides some nice features with some good usability.

Want to know at a glance what is happening with airports? Especially when you may be stopping at more than one? Take a look.

What to know what the on-time record is for your particular flight or airline? Take a look.

Want a site to provide some tools by which you can access the information from your website or blog or browser tool bar via desktop widget. Take a look.

Registration is free.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Earth rise, earth set

Another good video from Flixxy, this one just released by the Japanese whose satellite took the high definition pictures of the earth rise and earth set as it orbited the moon.


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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Jim Henson - video

From Jim Henson, circa 1965, via Ze Frank:


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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Dilbert Security

For anyone working in a corporate environment, the conflict between users and security is one near and dear to any water cooler conversation.

Be sure to follow the link to check out the Dilbert cartoon on this topic.

Well worth a good chuckle!

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Friday, November 16, 2007

USATF Members Beware - ATT Survey

Interesting survey in the email today from USATF for AT&T. The instructions for the survey provide a password which after you make the input with your email address thanks you for subscribing to updates from AT&T.

Excuse me! I was doing them a favor to complete a survey. I was not subscribing to AT&T for updates.

I answer a few more questions and then get a "Thank you for participating, there are no further questions, your profile does not match the interests of our client." or something like that.

Thank you! I appreciate the shortness of the questions but not the shortness of the response.

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WGBH Web Site Complaint

I love PBS. I listen regularly to WGBH 89.7 FM for Celtic Sojourn, Folk, and Prairie Home Companion as my top three shows. I don't like the pledge breaks but understand their need and contribute yearly.

The WGBH web site is severely lacking in user friendliness, especially for members.

You can login I suppose and not be a member, which starts the problem. Because when you do login, you are not asked for your member number. You are asked to become a member. But if you already are, that doesn't help.

And if you go from the home page (already logged in) to the Shop to purchase something with you member discount, you get a big banner across the top asking you to become a member to save more. More what? I already am a member and you don't recognize that.

In order to get the member discount you are directed to go to the Member Benefits page and obtain the code. I got into a loop twice but did not find a code. I did find plenty of info on how to become a member and what the membership options are but I already am a member (did I say that already?).

I saved myself further frustration by looking at the membership card I dug out of my wallet and was happy to find the elusive code there. Halleluiah.

Given the hassle of this site, I won't be spending too much time or money here. The member discount was equally offset by the shipping cost.

Oh well....

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

free rice

Via a Reuters item on InformationWeek's IWDaily, I heard of this cool fund raiser.

Free Rice

You build your vocabulary and generate grains of rice to be donated to some one.

I must caution you that I found this to be an addicting game for word smiths!

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Guiness - The Tipping Point

What can 10 million dollars and a community do together?

Make a commercial, of course!

Would the money have been better spent elsewhere? on something more important than beer? There might be something to discuss on that topic.

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Friday, November 09, 2007

Five for Friday

1 - This new card has some interesting features but one in particular:
"First, the card itself is anonymous, so it doesn't have the cardholder's name on the card," Jason Hogg, CEO and founder of Revolution Money, told InformationWeek in a recent interview. "Nor does it contain any information about the cardholder in the magnetic stripe."

will likely require changes in the processing at each transaction. Read more about the Revolution card here.

2 - This is too good to believe:
there's still hope for intelligent life on the Internet. A team of software developers is hard at work on a "stupid filter" that promises to do to idiotic online comments what a spam filter does to junk and unwanted e-mail: put it in a place where it can't hurt anyone anymore.

Read the full article here.

3 - Scott Berkun points to a good film to see as a study in project management:
I’ve both seen the film, and have visited the Hermitage (prompting a 2nd viewing of the film). Understanding Russian history helps make the film more than a stunt, as the story can be hard to follow (It’s an abstract and art-y film, both figuratively and literally as it’s shot in an art museum). But even without it, the film is a visual delight and a project management wonder. If you’re a designer or a manager you’ll be in awe even if you only make it through half the film.

Read his full posting here.

4 - A commuter tail well worth reading:
Today was a crowded day on the train. I got a seat no problem, sat down and noticed everyone who was behind me got on fine and got a seat no problem, and there were even seats left over for all the people who would be getting on at the last stop before Boston. One guy though, had to raise a fuss. I've noticed him before because his head looks too small for his body. I know that's rude, but there it is. He's aggressive too, and tends to just shove people out of his way when he gets on the train. I'd never heard him speak though. Today he let this gem fly out of his mouth ( will use "effing," but know he used THE WORD. "effing Greenbush line effthem they don't think Old Colony is important anymore I am so sick of this bullsh*t and taking all our cars I mean what the eff we barely have a place to sit Jesus.I am so effing pissed" He kept up this monologue until the conductor came on then he shut his mouth.

It gets better. Read the full story here.

5 - And finally for today, Cory Doctorow's latest on how big media's restrictions are crimping creativity can be found here.


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Thursday, November 08, 2007

NE Revs Celebrate!

Part of the celebration at Gillette Stadium, when the NE Revolution players were showing off the Eastern Conference trophy to their fans!


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NE Revolution Eastern Conference Champs again!

The New England Revolution beat the Chicago Fire 1-0 tonight at Gillette Stadium to return to the MLS Cup for the 3rd year in a row!

This will be the year. Three trips to the MLS Cup, third time is the charm.

The last three games the Revs have shutout the opponent. One more shutout and one more goal will bring home the big cup!

By the way, look for a vido of Taylor Twellman's goal this evening, it is worthy of a highlight film for sure. A superb bicycle kick with two defenders on him.

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Uncle Mark Gift Guide

Mark Hurst, otherwise known as "Uncle Mark" has just published his fifth gift guide (PDF). He blog posting and newsletter announce the new edition as follows:
If you *have* read Uncle Mark in the past (this is the fifth year!), you'll still find new material in this year's guide: - my new digital camera pick - my new cell phone pick (hint: same as the camera pick) - an unsung hero of consumer technology - new kitchen tool - a new (and very old) wristwatch pick - and items for parents The "expecting and new parents" section is all new, and it represents some of the most important purchases I've made since becoming Daddy Mark a few months back. If my wife and I had had"Uncle Mark 2008" as a resource, we would have saved a LOT of time in researching baby gear. If you know anyone who is a new or expecting parent, just send them the guide - they'll almost certainly find a nugget or two to thank you for.
Mark is one of the founders of Creative Good, the author of the Good Experience blog, and the host of the GEL conferences.

I have had the pleasure of attending GEL 2005, GEL 2006, and GEL 2007.

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