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Thursday, November 08, 2007

Uncle Mark Gift Guide

Mark Hurst, otherwise known as "Uncle Mark" has just published his fifth gift guide (PDF). He blog posting and newsletter announce the new edition as follows:
If you *have* read Uncle Mark in the past (this is the fifth year!), you'll still find new material in this year's guide: - my new digital camera pick - my new cell phone pick (hint: same as the camera pick) - an unsung hero of consumer technology - new kitchen tool - a new (and very old) wristwatch pick - and items for parents The "expecting and new parents" section is all new, and it represents some of the most important purchases I've made since becoming Daddy Mark a few months back. If my wife and I had had"Uncle Mark 2008" as a resource, we would have saved a LOT of time in researching baby gear. If you know anyone who is a new or expecting parent, just send them the guide - they'll almost certainly find a nugget or two to thank you for.
Mark is one of the founders of Creative Good, the author of the Good Experience blog, and the host of the GEL conferences.

I have had the pleasure of attending GEL 2005, GEL 2006, and GEL 2007.

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