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Monday, September 04, 2006

Dunkin Donuts - Why not?

Dolores and I changed our walking route this morning to come by Dunkin Donuts for coffee as Mel Diva's was closed for the holiday. Kudos to them for taking the day off. I hope they are home enjoying the break.
Anyway, the cover on my coffee wouldn't fold over easily and I got to thinking as I put the cup down and wrapped some napkins around it. Starbucks may have introduced the sleeve for the coffee cup, but why hasn't Dunkin adopted it? Who got sued for hot coffee? Dunkin not Starbucks.
Sometimes you need to incorporate what the competition does. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. You don't have to ignore a good idea just because it wasn't invented here. Mel Diva's has sleeves for their coffee, and a better cover. If they were open today, I would have visited them instead of Dunkin Donuts.
Did you hear that Mr. Dunkin Donuts?
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