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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Snow today

Yes, the wintery mix is upon us. Some forecasts call for 4-7, others 8-10... stay tuned and we'll let you know how much we really end up with.

I completed the 1st pass at shoveling the driveway and moved 3-4" already. It is coming down steadily. A heavy wet snow that shovelers have to really be careful with but kids will love to play in. School has been called off for Franklin today.

The scoop shovel or the backsaver shovel would be good ones to use today. The push shovel will be challenging as the snow is too heavy to push far. You can start in the middle of the driveway and work from the center out to each edge. Toss the snow a good way from the edge. This will start building the pile away from the edge and save some energy for moving more snow when you come back out later.