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Sunday, January 08, 2006

A Million Little Lies

Well, lying seems still seems to be all the rage these days. Corporate folks (Enron, et al), politicians (Delay, Abramoff, et al), scientists (Korea's cloning guy), and now James Frey, author of A Million Little Pieces.

When will it stop?

I recall the saying, "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is"...

Where was the due diligence on the publishers part?

Clearly, it had been rejected by many before being finally accepted, but that in and of itself is not unusual. Did the prior rejecters smell something wrong, or were they just too busy to take this one? They may not have foreseen that Oprah would pick it up as a book of the month selection and make it a runaway bestseller.

Check out the story at A Million Little Lies and start to decide for yourself... likely this will be a court case before the story runs its course.