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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Shoes, stairs, stains and walking

Capturing some thoughts while they still linger about some future posting opportunities:

  • shoes - what do the shoes people where tell about them
  • purposeful walk - hard to capture in a photo but some folks walk with such determination and others so nonchalantly, what does that say about anything
  • walking stairs - do you count the stairs when you walk them
  • shirt stains - how much of and what kind of a stain removes your shirt from "I wear it to work" to "no, you can't wear that to work"?
There may have been another one or two but they have already drifted away, clouds in the sky, the small wispy kind, dispersing into the blue.

Not like the storm clouds gathering together, building in fury and intensity to get us all wet later accompanied by the wonder of a thunder and lighting show.

When thoughts come like these storm clouds you've just got to write but you have some time to do so.