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Sunday, July 09, 2006

What do they make?

What do they make?
Originally uploaded by shersteve.

As Dolores and I drove to PA last weekend, we came up behind this truck on Interstate 84 heading to Hartford, CT.

Mindful of the road and traffic, I started reading the back.

Phoenix Products. Okay, I know a phoenix is a mythical bird that rises from ashes. But the sunlight over the water, in what looks like a canal or river?

"Best quality products - best quality service" Okay so they make agressive claims. But what do they actually make?

They show their web site address and 800 number. Good idea to help folks contact them. If they knew what they wanted?

"Nothing replaces parental supervision" Now this one gets me. What are they after?

I had Dolores take this picture. Then when the opportunity presented itself, I pulled along side the truck to see if they said anything else to solve the mystery of what product and service they actually provided?

I think I could have driven a few more miles behind them and still not guessed. Certainly not a very convincing and intuitive advertising campaign.

Would you like to guess what they make? Drop me a comment or email. I'll reveal the product on Friday unless some one guesses correctly before then.