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Saturday, May 13, 2006

GEL 2006 - Seth Godin

Making connections is important. Connecting the dots to tie concepts together, or silos is one thing. Connecting people together is another thing. One of the activities during the afternoon session I participated in at GEL 2006 was to do just that. As the introductions were made around the room, each person stood, stated their name and something about themselves; where they worked, what they worked on and how it was connected to a good experience. The remainder of the room, patiently waiting their turn was to pay attention and write down a name or two where that person had something in common with what you were interested in. Later during a break, you had someone (and something) to make a connection. A simple exercise but effective. I wrote down 2 or 3 names and then stopped before adding another 1 or 2 after the round was completed. I managed to get to 2 of the folks during the breaks.
What has all this to do with Seth Godin?
He hired Mark Hurst, the GEL 2006 creator, once upon a time and got him started on good experiences. They have stayed in touch over the years and during one lunch get together, Seth told Mark something like: "Hey, you know what would be a good idea for a web site? Ask folks to send in pictures, examples of things that are broken."
Yes, that is how the This is Broken site came to be.
Seth reviewed seven kinds of broken that he has seen:
  1. "not my job"
  2. Selfish jerk
  3. the world changed
  4. "I didn't know"
  5. contradiction
  6. broken on purpose
  7. "I am not a fish"
each of these kinds of broken were highlighted by examples from This is Broken.
A quick, delightful, and funny summary of the insanity of some of the things we find around us.
Why do they remain this way?
Good question.
It is up to us to make the change.
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