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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Brand advice

From a brand master, this advice to really think about...

So if you want to refer to yourself as a "brand" - if you want to play that "game" - then you must understand and accept the realities of the marketplace. Most importantly, the cold, harsh reality that the marketplace doesn't care about you. We care about how our association with you is going to benefit us. Will it make me feel smart? Will it make me feel right? Will it make me feel more connected? Will it help me do my "job?" Will it give me something to talk about? Will it bring me more blog traffic? Will it make me feel less alone?

Am I suggesting that you play the personal brand game? That you try to figure out how to "monetize" your blog writing?  Hell, no. Write because it turns you on. Write because it helps you understand. Write . . . just because.  Or better yet, go for a walk. Play catch with your kids. Relax under a tree. Make a whistle from a blade of grass.


I think I'll write

and run

and do whatever that leads to...


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