Michelle Miller - WonderBranding
Thanks to Michael Pollack for this link. Yes, it is from June. It took me awhile to view it. But it is well worth watching! One of the natural advantages of women well defined. |
Your collaboration teammate!
Thanks to Michael Pollack for this link. Yes, it is from June. It took me awhile to view it. But it is well worth watching! One of the natural advantages of women well defined. |
The July FastCompany issue has a good interview with Jeff Immelt, current CEO of General Electric. He says:One of the things Jack said early on that I think is totally right is: It's a marathon. It's not a sprint. All these books about the first 90 days are kind of rubbish in many ways. You have to have a plan. You have to stick with it. You have to modify it at times, but every day you've got to get up and play hard. Jack used to see me running around, even after he left, and he'd say to me, "Remember, it's a marathon. Ten years. Fifteen years. You've got to get up every day with a new idea, a new spin, and you've got to bring it in here every day." I always kind of knew that, but until you're right in the middle of it, you never get it. His advice was right. It's the sustained ability to change that really counts.I agree with this advice. It gets tough to keep going but you do need to stay with it. If you do not already subscribe to FastCompany, I would recommend it. |