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Friday, November 10, 2006

passionate to know

I want to remind you that in my own experience, all of the “learning” I did in all of the college classrooms I've spent time in does not come close to the learning that I've done on my own for the simple reason that now I am learning with people who are just as (if not more) passionate to “know” as I am. And that is what I want for you, to connect to people and environments where your passions connect, and the expectation is that you learn together, not learn on your own. Where you are free to create your own curriculum, find your own teachers, and create your own assessments as they are relevant. Where you make decisions (and your teachers guide you in those decisions) as to what is relevant to know and what isn't instead of someone deciding that for you.
Halleluiah!!  Bold for my emphasis
Read the full posting here titled "Dear Kids, you don't have to go to college"
Recalls the posting of last year by Kathy Sierra of Creating Passionate Users.
Do you have that passion?
Isn't it wonderful?
Coincident 1, I just finished Will's book "Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for the classroom" published earlier this year by Corwin Press. It was a good and relatively quick read. I was able to complete it riding the commuter rail to Boston on a few round trips this week.
Coincident 2, had we stayed in Flemington, NJ instead of moving here to MA a few years ago, my daughters would have attended Hunterdon Central High School where Will teaches. It is a good school.
I have more good quotes from Will's book and will be putting a review together over the next several days. Stay tuned for more good info on new media and how it can help learning.
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